Darid; United Midwayers; Monjoronson, Others - The Chain of Command - Morontia Vision

Location: North Idaho
Date: February 17, 2008
Teachers: Darid, Monjoronson, Steven, Sharmon, Christ Michael
Transmitter / Receiver: Mark Rogers, Jonathan, Kathy
  1. Relationship of Celestial Beings to You,
  2. Guardian Angels
  3. Midwayers and Mortals,
  4. The Chain Of Command,
  5. Morontia Vision,
  6. We All Are One Spiritual Team,
  7. Give Thanks To The God Of Light And Love.

Darid (Jonathan TR): I am glad to be with you, my name is Darid. I have the assignment of explaining some of the relationships of celestial beings to your personal situation. I will use the analogy of a theater and performing arts. Most performers have an agent which is the interface with other agencies on your behalf.

This role shields you from certain decisions and scheduling to be made and allows a trusted expert to guide your career. In this Teaching Mission, with many functions to perform, your personal teacher becomes like your agent, one who knows you well enough and also knows well the processes being undertaken in this mission to be able to speak for you as to your readiness and also to be alert to your well-being should a task be not appropriate for you to undertake. Some have questioned whether or not a personal teacher is relevant when every mortal with freewill choice has guardian angels.

Guardian angels take on functions which an agent would not, for they more rightly work for the producer who, in this case, is your Thought Adjuster, and work out the mechanisms and events that make it possible for the show to go on the road. They set the groundwork; they set the theater into readiness for your life experiences which are to be contributing to your growth. They make sure everything is appropriately prepared. To make clear the context, you who choose, the sovereign will personality, are the director of the play; you are the one who calls when Act One or Act Two begins and ends. You are the one who positions the "personalities" on

the stage. But these actors, they are your emotions, your understanding, your inclinations and propensities, your genetic makeup, all of which are unique and make your act different from another.

What unfolds is the story of the soul. You have spoken about midwayers today. In some ways they are like the set designers who do the painting, who decide how the lights should show, how loud should the volume be of the orchestra. This is how they impact your life. They have an ability to keep the set from falling over and hitting you when you are engaged in a performance. But it is not as simple as this. What I have expressed is an internal performance, for you know you are social creatures, so there is an interaction of all these elements with everyone else's elements, and this makes for a true cosmic play. My parting word is that you who conduct can trust the complications and interweavings of all that goes on that makes a production to the producer, the Thought Adjuster, the God Indwelling, for the overall perspective resides within the Thought Adjuster. Pursue your life with the skills and the expertise you have now. Apply them diligently, and you couple that with trust of all those other personalities, celestial and otherwise, who are integrated in coordinating with you that your soul experience will be beautiful and good and will have a harmonious interaction with others. I thank you.

A midwayer (Kathy): We of the United Midwayers are always involved in the connection between you and the teachers. It is our pleasure to serve you in this way. It is our hope that this contribution will enable the planet of Urantia to become more involved in the affairs of the universe administration and able to progress to Light and Life. As your cousins on this world, we are always looking for opportunities to connect with mortals and to bring about increased awareness of universe values and objectives. For many long years we have been in waiting for the changes that are even now occurring here. It is our delight to be a part of this process and to participate in your group. Be assured that we will make the effort to participate with you in the process of growth and expansion of consciousness on this planet. This is our privilege to work with you to advance our mutual home world.

Steven (Mark): I bring you my greetings today, I am Steven, this one's personal teacher, and I would carry on the thought pattern offered by Darid and speak of the chain of command and the delegation of authority as it relates to the scenario put forward. As with any major undertaking there runs through the entire scenario the underlying thread of what it is the organization or undertaking is there to promote and uphold. This organization of necessity is delineated into a variety of categories of structure, and all these are necessary to undertaking the vastness of such an enterprise. However, the underlying thrust of the project is continuous throughout from the ones who are at the top of the authority ladder all the way down and through those who are subsequent in this order and who are about following the command structure and upholding the message.

In the previous scenario there are ones who are overseeing the bigger picture and many underneath who are overseeing the manifestation of the many details necessary to accommodate the bigger picture. And finally there are the ones who are visible in the portrayal of this effort out to the others. When one observes the portrayal of a role well played it is easy to overlook the fact that there were scores of supporting roles that enabled the message to be delivered in its grace. Likewise this is the nature of spiritual growth and ascension. There are universal underlying principles and truths, and there are many roles to be filled in support of these principles and truths and much authority that is delegated throughout this process. If there are no actors then the screenplay will simply fail to manifest. Yet without the direction and intention of the screenplay the actors would not have purpose. So it is that you in your awareness and understanding have glimpsed that there is structure and there is delegation in all that transpires in the spiritual realm.

You have glimpsed that the truths spoken, whether they are uttered by personalities you deem to be in higher authority or in greater position are faithfully supported and upheld by all those who have had such authority delegated to them even such as myself in this moment, even such as yourselves in the moment that you find yourselves being called upon to be a messenger of such grand principles. You are merely acting as a delegated authority to greater truths. Just as I am honored and privileged to present to you at this moment as one who has been delegated to, so you may see yourselves when the time arises for you to be the one who has had the authority delegated to them.

In this chain of command we are all privileged to uphold the values presented, and it is not necessary that we attempt to claim any great responsibility for being asked to play these roles, rather we should see this as our privilege and honor to be asked to join this line of delegated authority and be one to uphold our position in faithfulness and with the assurance that we are to the best of our capabilities portraying the underlying message that we speak for the entire production crew when asked to portray the meaning and the value behind what we are attempting to portray. So it is that we have the support of the entire production crew when it falls to us to oversee our sector of the production.

All hands are necessary on deck to navigate the vessel, to pull off the production, and therefore should you always keep in mind the significance of the role you play. That is what I would share with you today. It has been my honor to step forward and act in this capacity. Thank you.

Sharmon (Jonathan): This is Sharmon. Hi. We have for long co-inhabited this world. Though you each individually pass through so quickly, your human race has been here for a great period of time, even so much than longer than we midwayers. We have grown to love our world, and it is a joyful experience we share in the recognition of the increased awareness of our human cousins in their interconnectedness with the cosmic family. You are developing a morontia vision which overlays your earthly undertakings, and this perspective guides your choices, shapes your values, and determines how much better this world will be while you visit here. We midwayers are first educated in the morontia vision I speak of; it is our orientation and helps us understand our purpose on Urantia. Much of what our order of being was created to engage in was one time disrupted. While we did flounder for lack of direction some time ago, we found our identity within ourselves, and as a body stood before the Almighty God and pledged to be about the Father's business. This self discovery is shared with all you human brothers and sisters, for you too have gone from the darkness of unknowing into the light of faith and did so, much under your own efforts. Yes, many about you would point the way, but so much that exists on the world in the form of teaching is convoluted and a tangle to work through to discover the content within. But emerging within you is that morontia insight or, as Steven said, an oversight. That makes everyone of us joyful. We are drawing closer together, and, though it may not be this age, in ages to come we will have even greater interface with the human race. I give you my thanks for your pioneering efforts, and I encourage you to encourage others.

Monjoronson (Mark): Greetings, I am Monjoronson. I simply cannot resist the opportunity to commingle energies with you. I would offer a bold statement designed to trigger your thinking, and that is that I am no more endowed with spiritual truths than are any of the others that you might consider. We are as one in the spiritual realm. We seek as one, and this differs greatly from your system of thinking on your world where some have been granted greater authority than others. Your judges have been granted greater credibility than your street sweepers, and therefore there is a different level of trust and different degree of comfort when one speaks over the other.

As you have just witnessed today, spiritual truth is spiritual truth whether it is brought to you on the energy signature of a personal teacher or of a midwayer or of one of my stature who you might inadvertently grant more authority. I declare to you that we all are of one spiritual team. We are all upholding one spiritual production, and whether it is my honor and privilege to address you or whether it is delegated to another in my realm, we will universally uphold the spiritual principles regardless of perceived stature. Many times those who come at your request to share with you spiritual truths are of your choosing, are of your desire, because you are comfortable with specific personalities or energy signatures. But in the overall picture the individuals involved are only the messengers of the moment; they are not the custodians of this undertaking; they are merely the participants of the moment. As was mentioned, you are on this team as well, and you may be the participants of the moment at any time. Realize that you too have access to these universal principles and truths through both your efforts at gleaning this information, and as well you have a Divine Fragment within to help you in this process and to maintain this connection to the gigantic enterprise that you are engaged in.

Therefore you may speak as one who has authority as you have been installed as one who is a delegate of such authority. You do not own this truth that you portray; it is not your original design, but you are nevertheless in the role of one who is portraying the message of the moment and the larger reality as you are aware of it. Thank you for hearing my words and this connection that you create and offer to be utilized in this way. Truly you have signed onto the grand undertaking, and you are one of the ones who will be listed in the credits as supporting factors. Thank you. Farewell.

Michael (Jonathan): This is Michael. I will draw close today by asking you all to pause in silence and let me direct you to our Father in heaven. This divine Personality of light from which we derive our luminosity, our awareness, the consciousness of our being, this same Personality is love; for we are not only aware of our existence but we have come to know our fraternity. The God of love embraces every one of us. Let us give thanks.