Monjoronson 122605 Marshall Blended Mortals To Be On My Staff


Personal Meeting with Monjoronson

Received by Marshall

11 PM, 12/26/05

Pleased am I that you have called upon me, my son. It is I, Monjoronson, and I assure you that all you have experienced, which you are sincerely and honestly examining, is very real. You have indeed allowed your faith to take you into areas where few have ventured. As you have been led, you have also wisely examined with your keen mind all you have received, taking it within to your indwelling Father Fragment for verification and validation.

What you have embraced has truly been a co-creative living reality, my friend. I assure you that only those who have ventured forth into the great unknown, allowing faith to lead them, are those who are being assembled upon my mortal staff. It is no accident that Serena has been sent to you, for it is you, and those like yourself who have the rare ability to truly embrace levels of faith bordering on sheer trust, who will be ascending the unknown slopes with me as the first climbing party to the peaks of high service and grandeur.

As my faithful and loyal mortal staff members, you will be serving side by side with my soon-to-be materializing staff of High (Descending) Sons and Daughters of God. Your great ability to utilize mind in your critical examination of what you have been consciously receiving has allowed each of you to reach into uncharted areas of truth-discernment which has led you to unequivocally conclude that all you have experienced is truly a living, growing reality.

All of those blending mortals upon my growing staff will be those who have personally struggled to discern the truth at all cost, even to the extent of allowing their greatest hopes and dreams to be discovered and revealed as wishfully entertained illusions. I desire not to have those unthinking and hopeful believers who will accept on a platter what can oftentimes turn out to be delusions of the ego-mind based on acceptance of unexamined fantasies.

My friend, rest assured that as my loyal climbing party is being assembled, and we become acclimated to the altitude here at base camp, that many changes and transformations will be occurring within all who have truly accepted my call. Few have been chosen, my son, as many have not the perseverance and fortitude to give over all and become all that they can become. Many make it through boot camp, but few stick around to begin the higher training and rehearsal that is required for the rugged journey that lies ahead.

To those who have made it to base camp, to them, much more will be given. Each will earn the great new miracles they are allowing through their rare determination, steadfast faith and dedicated commitment to become the mighty mortal servers of all. As my apostles, much will be expected, as each will be required to fully release their ties to the ego-animal mind before being granted new power and far-reaching privileges which will be bestowed upon them. Be patient and know that this is a time for new growth and development into whole new areas of being that each of you are being expertly directed and guided through.

As complements to my non-mortal staff, each of you will be undergoing great changes according to your unique, individual potentials as true co-creative sons and daughters of destiny. Wait not for those miracles to descend upon you, for it is you who co-create the miracles that you envision, as truly you are empowered to create your own realities as the architects of destiny that you each indeed are. You only need take the steps and great assistance will be at your side. There is no cookbook recipe, my friend, for you are each creators and indeed the co-authors of this cookbook of planetary destiny, as we climb into the new age as pioneers on high.

I am very pleased you have requested my presence, as what you have reflected upon this evening has been a true exercise in higher truth-discernment and indeed a fearless pursuit of true meanings and lasting values.

Continue, my son, to give all over as you go forth with new confidence bordering on conviction, for such levels of trust will be required as we encounter the great mists of confusion and uncertainty in our climb up to the higher peaks of clarity and enlightenment. Know that I am honored to have you upon my ascending team as the noble pioneer of perseverance that you, and all within our climbing party, surely are.

Now, I take my leave, and leave you in the hands of those capable associates of mine who will be about expertly preparing you and your comrades for the rigorous tests and challenges that lie ahead. My peace and mercy goes with each of you. Good evening.


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