Monjoronson, Michael, I Will be with you Always, Guidance, Hear with Your Heart, The Continuing Climb metaphor

  1. I Will Be with You Always,
  2. Guidance,
  3. I Am Here to Assist in the Process,
  4. Hear with Your Heart.
  5. Ascent up the Mountain Metaphor
Michael (Mark TR): I welcome you, my dear ones, as you welcome me. I am your father, I am your brother; I am the one who calls out to you and you hear my voice. I ask you to gather close around me so that we may huddle up in this time, we may be as close as possible in this forum that you provide for this purpose. My dear ones, I so desire to be close to you in these times just ahead, and I sense as well that you desire to be close to me.

We have a bond between us, an affection that is deep for one another, and it is this desire to be together that will bring us both strength as we proceed forward together. Any individual who feels separated and alone may be awash with doubts, uncertainties, and fears, and they traverse unknown distances and encounter unknown realities before them.

But whenever two or more are together there is comfort, there is strength, there is reassurance that you are not alone. It is not necessary for you to brave the elements by yourselves. I have repeatedly assured you that I desire to go with you as we move forward, even that I desire that we do this in awareness and in partnership, and I perceive that this is reflective of your desire as well, to be so close with each other that we function in harmony, perhaps even in unison. I have assured you that I will be with you always and that I will be observing and standing by your side even with my hand on your shoulder. But I would ask for even more. I would request an even deeper relationship, a relationship of partnership within, even closer than walking side by side, a relationship where we both might see the world through your eyes and we both might interpret this world through my experience. In this way we will use each other's natures and senses to navigate external environment. Certainly you may see me as walking side by side with you as I am, but as well you may invite me within. You may desire a relationship so close that we may sense and interpret reality together. This is not a far off opportunity, but rather this choice can be made and activated at any time. Having made this choice I can do my part to make it so between us. Certainly

I will never commandeer a single choice that is yours to make, but if you offer me such an opportunity through the act of your own choosing, then I may act and follow through with our combined desires. It is truly as simple as that, no grand contracts to be undertaken, no oppressive demands made upon you, just the simple choice that it be so between us, and then I may act, and we may act together. I will repeat this message that I am with you and that this is my desire as often as it is required to assure you that this is so. I have ultimate patience, and I have faith and trust in you, my dear ones, more so than you have in yourselves.

So it is that I will continue to remind you that this is so and await your choices and decisions that allow us greater access to each other. I am pleased beyond words to have this opportunity to be with you to this degree. But I foresee an even greater, more personal, degree of intimacy between us, and I await with great joy the time when we are so close that we are indistinguishable to another's observation. This is not only possible, my dear ones, but it represents my desire, and it is coming to represent yours as well. I will step aside at this time to allow this forum to be used by others, but I have once again reminded you of my commitment and my dedication to you, and I have once again accepted yours.

Every time we recommit to each other our relationship is deeper and stronger, and I will remain forever grateful for these relationships. In this moment they are sacred. I take my leave only in words, as I have told you. Farewell.

Elyon (Jonathan): Hello, Elyon speaking. It is good to be in such wonderful company. The presence of our Michael Son is thoroughly enjoyable. While we know that he is with us always, it is the moments of elevation in sensitivity that we experience that makes his presence so delightful. I have a few words on guidance. When one seeks guidance one looks to another that they may receive knowledge and wisdom gained by another's efforts and in so doing to expedite one's own traversal, be it over land or be it through the attainment of a realization or the enactment of a means of living that is of a spiritual maturity, that one has yet the strength, coordination, and stability to maintain. Guidance is always freely given by one who has attained, as today you have been reassured by Michael of his continued guidance, his ever-present arm over your shoulder. Guidance requires of yourself willingness.

You picture the humorous scenario of a donkey on a leash with head down and hooves dug into the dirt, unwilling to move as one pulls on that leash to get him to move. This is not guidance -- perhaps goading -- but not guidance. When one speaks of attainments that you seek, it is the perfect opportunity to be fully attentive, to absorb what is presented, to take in with trust, though coupled with discernment, for descriptive guidance is only about the methods and experiences of the others' growth. And growth is not formulaic, and so you will of necessity sort through and organize those bits of information to develop your course of action. This I would refer to as a static guidance. Then there is a dynamic guidance, and that is what each of you does together in your fellowship, in your socializing. You share as you walk hand-in-hand into the future of spiritual experiences.

When you seek to descend a flight of stairs, your feet do the greater share of work, finding each step and maintaining your balance. But your hand also reaches for the rail, and it is, in coordination, a guiding factor, and each one of you in fellowship is a hand or foot in fellowship with one another as you move ahead together. I have often referred to our assembly together as a classroom, even as a laboratory, and that perhaps is more appropriate to our engagement, for we are experimenting as we live and continually sharing the data gleaned in the experiments with one another for further edification as a group. The classroom is a static guidance wherein you receive instruction and then go forth to apply it. Here in the laboratory we are getting our hands dirty together. To be receptive it is beneficial to develop reflexivity to a balanced position.

This balance is found in being honest, to be in touch with your core beliefs and feelings, but to also be expansive and willing to entertain what is perhaps a stretch for you to conceive of as a manner of action; to be focused, centered, that you are not distracted when vital information or wisdom is offered your way. Also, to be adventurous and eager to apply what is handed to you by way of your own methods, for no one can make the brush strokes of a painting you are doing for you. You may be told a tree is green and mountains a smoky blue. You may be told how to mix one color with another for desired results. But this guidance is recomposed by you and creatively expressed uniquely. In the traditions that abound upon your world, guidance has sought to be controlled in a formulaic order. While it has been worthwhile initially, you will note that over the course of history it is the heretics who expand the philosophy that the doctrines seek to hold. So, what was set in stone as guidance becomes guided by those who appear on the fringe. Eventually the donkey raises his head and does step forward.

Know ever and always that while you may look for guidance around you, that Michael within you is saying, "This is the way. Let us go." And you willingly take that step, for the relationship is one of coordination, the two of you in harmony working towards the goal of higher spiritual attainment, of greater peace of mind, and wholeness of being. I offer this to you with gratitude for your attention, and I express in words my love. Thank you.

Monjoronson (Mark): Greetings, this is Monjoronson here once again to simply share energy signatures with you. In this way we become more and more familiar with each other in this process. As you have just been assured by your loving and devoted guides, you are well endowed with guidance from on high, and as well I am here to assist in the process as are the others whom you have become familiar with in this process.

With so much guidance and so many volunteers to help in this process you should rest assured that you are in good hands and well cared for in this process. I have made reference a number of times to our group being likened to a climbing party and the ascent we have before us, and we have been enjoying a restful time at our camp while we bask in the grace and the glow of all the guidance and all the love that is directed at us in this process.

We should drink of these cups of peace and love and tender guidance. They will sustain us as we press forward with the next leg of our ascension. The magnitude of difficulty of the climb before us will increase, and we will be ... to the test to remember the tools that we have been given and guidance that we have been offered and to take those gifts and make them our own in this process and use the tools combined with the skills and the training to make the best ascent possible.

Certainly it will be challenging, but any good climber welcomes a challenge to test his skills and abilities. So it is that we rest now. Enjoy the relative calm and tranquillity of our fellowship in these moments, and await the call to don our gear and head out, being truly grateful for all that we have accomplished to this point, and the rest of assurance we have had in this time before the next ascent. As the others have assured you, we will be together throughout, even though your individual ascent must be made by your own efforts, using your own skills with your own tools. Nevertheless the guides will be there to remind you of your tools and of the training you have had in their use and how best to apply both skills and tools. That's the beauty of the climbing party that we have assembled together. No one need go the journey alone. So I encourage you to rest well. Gather your strength. Assess your individual backpacks one more time and perhaps decide some of the items that you carry are burdensome to our journey and unnecessary. Release all that does not serve you in these times ahead. It is only baggage at some point and unnecessary for you to bring to the summit.

Choose to leave some of your baggage at camp. Then, after making your ascent ask, decide whether you need what you have discard or whether you are better off without it. Take an honest ... look at that which you desire to take with you. Is it useful, serviceable, or is it cumbersome and an extra burden to carry with you any further? It is always good to look over your gear and make sure that everything is appropriate and has a purpose, is useful, even necessary. If not, then lighten your load. Your journey will be made easier.

There is nothing that, if it is not useful it is worth carrying with you to the summit, as you will surely wish you were unburdened as the climbing gets tough. I thank you, my friends, for your diligent attention to these lessons and even your material application to their implications. All this training, all this guidance, is for the grand purpose that will soon unfold before you. ...all these pieces of the puzzle, all these tools you have gathered will become serviceable.... This is all I will share today. I will take my leave, but along with the others offer my commitment to be with you throughout. Thank you.

Unidentified (Mary): I would like to extend an invitation at this time for somewhat of a shifting of gears. We have been blessed with many words today from our ... and respected teachers. At this time I would invite to put into practice at this moment one of the tools of our art of being. We have listened with our ears. I invite you now to pause, breathe deeply and relax and refresh yourself by still waters within. You must, perforce, be listening to my words. Perhaps you will be one who reads these words. The invitation I have now is to hear with your heart. Celestials and humans alike refresh themselves in the same pool of infinite goodness and peace; all of us sit beside the same reality. And it is in this reality that we are unified as one. Pause and absorb and refresh yourselves with this thought. Thank you. END