Monjoronson - My Mission Has Begun - Position of Women - Sep 10, 2005 - Merideth Tenney, NH

Teachers: Monjoronson
  1. Future Visitations
  2. Position of Women
8:20 A.M.

MONJORONSON: My daughter take down these words you hear me speak. My mission on earth has indeed begun. My spiritual presence has been active around the globe and in individuals' spiritual lives for some time, but the recent events on your planet have launched a new era of cooperation between the planetary administration and mortals of the realm. We stand ready to assist you in any way we can as you help with the preparations for our arrival in material form. Decisions have been made which are critical to our effort, and it is this which has caused us to move forward with the next phase of our plans at this time.

We will be making morontial appearances to various groups and individuals in the coming months. These visitations, should you be gifted with one, will be at first, a source of great skepticism to many. I share this communication with you now, that more of your number may be prepared to receive and acknowledge the reality of such celestial visitations.

These visits between mortals and members of the Magisterial Mission will serve many purposes. Initially, it will help to calm the fears of mortals who have never previously been in the presence, however fleeting, of a visible representative of the celestial administration. As these visits become accepted among those who have 'eyes to see and ears to hear', so will their transition into our full time presence in the years ahead be facilitated.

A second objective is the spreading of the wonderful news of our re-connection on the material level of existence with those who would be about the Father's will on the planet. Many of our visits to individuals will focus on the areas and tasks which they can participate in to further plans for our impending arrival and the re-establishment of a visible planetary headquarters on the sphere. These individuals, many mortal members of our magisterial staff, will receive instructions, guidance and encouragement as they proceed with the tasks they do on our behalf.

Lastly, these visits will serve to stimulate a quickening of spiritual interest around the planet, causing many to be encouraged to turn with renewed vigor to their own personal relationships with deity. Women on your world have long suffered from inferior status and imbalances in power. This situation must be rectified; just as the circumstances in New Orleans point out glaring racial inequities that must be corrected, so must the gender inequities on your planet be addressed as well. Women will play a critical role in the unfolding events, and they should anticipate that some of our first appearances will be to them. No one should be frightened by these visitations, but instead look forward to them with the anticipation you might feel at meeting in person a friend you have known and loved for many years through long distance correspondence. My daughter, you have served us well and I greatly look forward to my ongoing association with you. That is all. Until we meet again my friend.