Monjoronson - Q&A Session #12 Astrology & Asteroids - 19 Categories of Questions Monjoronson Suggests

Teachers: Monjoronson
Prayer: [Henry] Michael and Nebadonia, thank you for your energy connection, the universal spirit connection to this planet. Ground me in this presence and complete circuit. It seems like Nebadon is so far away and Salvington is half a universe away that your presence and your majesty is somewhere else but there is a greatness which we read about, there is a wonderful blessing that we all receive. It is good to feel the love and the presence in this connection, to know that you are real, to know that your divine love is real. It makes one feel worthy to be here this evening in this connection with spirit, this circuit wherein we invite all celestial personalities especially our guest of honor tonight, Monjoronson.

Monjoronson: [Henry] Thank you again for this opportunity to be here, this is Monjoronson. This evening it is good to be here in this enclosed circuit, this small group of dedicated beings who field questions from their peers and field the answers from me. I honor this process with my presence and my attention, let us begin, thank you.

Q#1: Mary: Thank you for being here Monjoronson. The first question we'll start with is one which I do not have the actual print out of but I remember reading it and it is a question about astrology. There was some discussion on the website about the Urantia Book statement regarding astrology and this person recognized that yes, the Urantia Book did make statements that astrology is a "mass of superstitious error". This person still wants to ask this question because the Urantia Book was written a while back and the part that talked about astrology was a quote when Jesus was talking to a group about superstition.

This person feels that astrology has come a long way and that many people recognize some of the personality generalizations that astrology makes do seem to bear out in our observations and the persons question was basically: do the positions of the planets and the stars have an effect on personalities as they manifest on Urantia? Thank you for addressing this question Monjoronson. We appreciate the help in understanding the things we come across in this world and appreciate your attention to our questions.

Monjoronson: This is Monjoronson, thank you for your question. I thank you for your concern about whether or not the planets affect personality and life as you know it for the personalities on Urantia and the concerns expressed on the pages of the Urantia Book. The Urantia Book statement has to do with a belief system, astrology, that is purely human in origin, not celestial in origin. Celestial in terms of celestial personalities, from this viewpoint, the celestial personality viewpoint, astrology has no bearing on a persons spiritual progress and it has less bearing on mans personality accomplishments with his indwelling Adjuster.

For this reason astrology does not hold much prominence from a celestial perspective, nonetheless, from the human perspective it would appear that personality traits can be somewhat categorized according to the types of personalities which exist now on your planet. With the help of the typical planetary and sun alignment within the universe, what is important to understand from a human standpoint is that even though the alignment of celestial bodies and their categories during the solar year do not necessarily indicate certain choices for mankind, though there may be similarities, it is important to understand that man always has a choice in every moment that choice can be exercised.

As long as this, I think it was called pseudo science, manifests certain characteristics that are intrinsic to certain signs and certain birthdays and certain years, these characteristics and traits play no part as to mans overall spiritual nature and growth and development along spiritual lines. Another concept the Urantia Book was trying to avoid was for humans to become preoccupied with things that do not have spiritual bearing. This is the main concern with the authors of the particular papers that these descriptions arise.

There are many, many, concepts on the planet which are purely human. They are mental associations dealing with trying to understand things which have very little meaning. The fact that men can track planets is a fascinating pastime for man and a tremendous profession for astrophysicists. But again this is a purely human fascination, It has to do with human life on Urantia during this time. For the most part the personalities who were solicited to present papers to the Urantia Book were asked not to tremendously or in an overbearing sense, criticize much of the human endeavor on the planet which is not purely spiritual and for the most part this consideration and its attempt was successful.

There are some slight references of course to some of the human conditions on the planet such as sex planet, such as so called religion. In all of these efforts to understand about why you are the way you are it is good to begin to understand that you can be better than you are now, that there is something intrinsic within the human soul, the human psyche which transcends the movement of celestial bodies. There is something within the human consciousness which can bring this human consciousness to the center of celestial consciousness, to the whom of celestial consciousness.

This is more in line with what the Urantia Book was intending to draw the reader into understanding and it still stands that there is not much spiritual agenda per se in Urantian astrology and it is relatively harmless as long as it leaves an avenue open for human choice to exist in the moment. You may be influenced by the weather in making decisions, you may be influenced by economic considerations when making a decision and you may be bombarded with astrology in making a decision and you may be bombarded by all of these in making a decision but in no way should decisions be influenced by mere external consequences when internally there exists a present such that brings one to a better understanding of the decision at hand and a presence which will even guide the individual to make that choice that is in the individuals best interest.

So in considering my words here this evening, again be aware of the purely physical consequences of life which bear down upon a brother or sister who is genuinely trying to discern the spiritual and divine presence within their heart and soul. I thank you for your question.

Q#2: Mary: Thank you for addressing that Monjoronson. One of the questions we have tonight interestingly enough has to do with astronomy and there is someone who has been viewing an asteroid and this asteroid has been named Tutakus and they have been on the NASA website where you can do simulations of astronomical events or progressions and they have viewed the simulation of this asteroid which travels in an elliptical orbit around the sun and every four years passes near the earth. In their simulation of the asteroid passing near to the earth the next time which will be on Nov. 9th of this year, the proximity is supposed to be 71/2 million kilometers between this asteroid and earth. This individual would like to know if it is possible for you to double check that prediction, they want to know if that is fairly accurate and if you could answer that and thank you for considering this question.

Monjoronson: [Henry] Greetings, this is Monjoronson and I thank you for your concern this evening. It is going to be tremendously difficult to answer your question for several reasons one of which pertains to the fact that I am not particularly engaged in all of the space debris which gets trapped into the gravitational system of your solar system of Urantia. I am more in the realm of spiritual adjudicator of the planet. I am more concerned about the asteroids in your own brain, wondering when one is going to hit the mark that you go, "aha", there is something within me that knows more than I do.

My child, be of gentle concern with asteroids, with the planetary awareness of its surroundings. I can tell you for a fact that you live in a tremendously precarious solar system, one that is in no fashion settled, near settled. If earths astronomers begin to understand a little more of their surroundings in a cosmic physical nature it is important to be aware of this phenomena in the sense that you are aware of what is going on outside of your planetary sphere of influence in terms of solar system phenomena which indirectly does affect Urantia.

But my child, it is of the utmost importance that you understand that there are phenomena within your own mind that beg for acknowledgment and it's only a few microns away from your ability to discern it, this divine presence within, So again I thank you for your question this evening and hopefully by not answering your question I have shed some light into a greater arena of speculation, thank you.

Q#3: Mary: Thank you Monjoronson. We have one final question this evening. This person states that around 1986 they were awakened by a being who was 71/2 feet tall and looking at them in a friendly manner. They want to know if it is permitted that they know who this being was and why they awakened them so that they could see this person, thank you.

Monjoronson: This is Monjoronson, thank you for your question and more specifically thank you for the vagueness of your question since you do not mention whether this being was a physical being, a being of light, an off world being, a perceived figment of your imagination or any other description which would give some significance to your asking. In general, on Urantia, most of the beings which have access to appear in some semi-physical form to you would be the midway creatures and it is possible that the sighting was of a midway creature.

There are many reasons that possibly you were awakened to see this being, I will give you a few reasons. This being could have been working with you, singularly or as a couple to prepare you for some future event. It may be that the supposed midway creature allowed you to see its presence while it was conducting a survey which may be important to the future genetic race of Urantia. Of course any more speculative reassurances would be just that.

The possibility exists for you to seek the answer within to get some sense of guidance and direction as to the nature and presence of the being which you saw and if my question falls short of contributing any information which you do not already possess I would suggest that you be a little more specific in describing the being in terms of its nature; whether it was physical, semi-physical, a being of light and what kind of form did it appear. I thank you for your concern this evening.

Q#4: Mary: Monjoronson, I would ask, after reading the questions this evening I think that people may wonder, I know when I was first involved with the teaching mission I thought all of these personalities can probably read my mind and they probably know so much. I think I had to attenuate my understanding through experience of the parameters under which celestial personalities operate and interact with us. What I'm getting at is perhaps you could clarify the areas or arenas in which you are particularly functioning and the areas in which people could ask questions because I believe it's possible that folks think you know everything and you are everywhere and that kind of thing. What limitations are we working with I suppose might be my question off the cuff? It might be nice for the people who are going to read this to maybe have a little more guidance about appropriate areas of questioning.

Monjoronson: Thank you Mary for your concerns and yes, your concerns warrant an explanation and a discussion about the nature of my presence on this website and the parameters of interest and concerns to which I am most prepared to answer. Certainly all inquiries of a spiritual nature would be at the top of the list. Things of a spiritual nature have to do with:


How we interact with each other:

How we treat and interact with those who we are responsible for and how do we treat and act with people in general, in a social sense:

How is society progressing in terms of insuring that your particular belief systems are being honored:

How demands, consequences and ramifications of actions play out in a cosmic sense of reality:

Questions having to do with the divine presence within, any questions pertaining to the divine presence within:

Any questions pertaining with mans ascension and mans functioning in a spiritual cosmology:

Any questions which relate to bringing mans spiritual and inner life to play upon mans external life, the life which others see, by which we are perceived for obviously not everything that we think is obvious through our actions all the time:

Some scientific questions of a pertinent nature in which science impacts mans spiritual destiny

Any questions dealing with sociological issues: (The Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man)

Any questions which pertain to mans inclination to engender peace, righteousness and justice to all men and women of all nations, of all races on the planet:

Questions having to do with the overwhelming perplexity of mans fragile human nature, mans fear based nature and the tiny hands to grasp the gigantic and immense spiritual concepts which impinge upon the human condition:

Any questions dealing with the route society is taking by the over-indulgences man creates; entertainment, clothes design, fashion, the consuming of the planetary resources, the manipulation by a few people of the behavior of many:

Any questions having to do with social inequality; economic inequality; political inequality; racial inequality; relationship inequality:

Questions pertaining to the great march of time that man is on genetically, mentally, physically on this world and the next:

Any questions which seek to ask spiritual consciousness a better way in which human consciousness can grow, can understand him or herself in a greater cosmic reference:

Any questions which have to do with bringing things from a fairly simple and uncomplicated way of doing things that in many respects is not tremendously functional, anything that relates to how man reacts to his environment and how spirit acts to insure that society progress in a more equable and sustainable fashion:

Any questions that have to do with bringing a greater love to bear on the human race:

All of the myriads of questions which can be engendered through these few suggestions.

It is not . . . [just] curiosity questions, [but also] questions that have to do with the purely curious . . . [concerning] man's mental human nature [which are not easy to answer]. Certainly we are sympathetic to your concerns; nonetheless, there are many aspects to the human condition which the humans themselves are left to fend for. A lot of personal information can also be secured from the Thought Adjuster, the divine presence within. The greater question of the individual can only be satisfied through the guidance, presence and continuing support of the Divine Monitor.

So I thank you all for your concerns this evening, for again this energy circuit in which I can appear to answer concerns on the website and through the work of the diligent crew to physically put this into circulation, I thank all involved.

Mary: Well you're welcome Monjoronson and our thanks is also returned to you. We will meet again next week, thank you.