Monjoronson - Q&A Session #44 Confusing Monjoronson’s Mission with an antichrist - Finding the Adjuster

Teachers: Monjoronson
Prayer: We invoke the presence of the Creator, Christ Michael and Nebadonia here with us. We surround ourselves with their light and infill ourselves with their light and love. We ask for their guidance and revelation so that they bring through clearly the messages of Monjoronson and that our guardians and assistants assist in that process. We give thanks for right and perfect answers, and so it is.

Philip: Our first question comes from our brethren in Latin America and reads as follows: Our Latin countries were conquered by the Spanish, a conquest that was harsh and which destroyed the indigenous cultures of the Aztecs and the Incas. This conquest brought with it the Catholic religion which has become deeply ingrained in our cultures.

The Catholic religion teaches Mary's virginity besides the doctrine of the "end times" where an antichrist and false prophets come to confuse believers. I would ask the following questions based on these teachings:

Q#1: How do we spread the message of the coming Magisterial Mission without having people confuse the Mission with an antichrist or false prophet?

Monjoronson: Good morning, this is Monjoronson. We, in the promotion of the work of Christ Michael in the Correcting Time do not overtly deal with or directly bring the topic of the antichrist to those who we teach to. We do not initiate this and only respond to it when the question arises from those who confuse the two. For answering your question we would ask that the individual who is concerned about the antichrist issues bring those questions to this forum so that we can answer them directly. This will be much more direct, much more influential and that we can then bring our presence and energy to this person personally so that they can become aware that there is no antichrist, that there are no "end times" to be concerned about. Your world is only in transition and those things which mortals think are of the antichrist are actually developments that occur in the natural surroundings of their world.

Q#2: Phillip: Thank you. Is the the antichrist an ideology, a religion or simply an invention?

Monjoronson: It is a part of the dualistic mind. The mind of most mortals thinks in very simplistic terms. When they see the light they know there is darkness, when they see good they also know there will be bad times as well. This is a development, an invention of simple-minded thinking. It does not take into account the discernment or weighing or sorting of fixing the events of your world. Dualism has plagued the minds and cultures and religions since earliest times of humanity, recorded and unrecorded. It has caused the corruption of mortals' thinking that there are those who perpetuate the thought of evil and of the antichrist as possible and probable. They see the Christ and therefore there must be an antichrist, but this is not so.

Philip: We have a second set of questions based on some of your prior sustainability lessons:

Q#3: What evidence of a Thought Adjuster connection can be found which may open the way to us as an avenue of approach to find Him?

Monjoronson: Thank you for your very thoughtful question. The evidence of the approach of the Thought Adjuster begins by your reaching up so to speak to your Thought Adjuster to make contact. You already have this contact as you have posed this question. Your yearning, your desire for a close personal and intimate relationship with your Thought Adjuster is the first evidence that its' work has begun.

Q#4: Phillip: When we look to the effects of the Golden Rule - to love each other as He loves us - is there more that opens to us by these extensions of love to each other that we may use to build upon?

Monjoronson: Well certainly, you can build upon that by sincerely, honestly and authentically learning to love yourself as your Thought Adjuster loves you, as Jesus loves you, as Nebadonia loves you, as we all love you. This is truly the beginning of the work of self development initiated by yourself, guided by your Thought Adjuster and fulfilled by your helpers and those around you. You will begin to see that you appreciate yourself, you accept yourself and that you recognize yourself as worthy and deserving of true contact of God loving individuals.

You will find too that you will begin to sort and sift your friends for those who love you, recognize you and appreciate you as you are without the accouterments of life and living, without material supports. You will begin to live in this moment, you will begin to let go of the past and not to worry about the future. You will see that the Golden Rule assists you in your right living in the moment, each moment. You will find this to be true in your relationships and particularly with your relationship with yourself for you are an extension, an expression, of God's spirit in you, your Thought Adjuster. You can begin this process by applying the Golden Rule to yourself. Thank you.

Q#5: Phillip: And finally, do we approach being able to sustain what we need to if we achieve Adjuster attune-ment and exercise the Golden Rule? Or is there more to it than the basic preparation to be able to sustain our families and cultures in these times than these basic personal achievements?

Monjoronson: There is much more to it than these personal achievements. Your relationship with an attune-ment with your Thought Adjuster is for your sustainment for your growth and your development into the infinite journey towards Paradise. This will in turn assist you and your families and your cultures to be sustained. Others as yourself need to have this assistance as well. You provide a model, an example of right living to those around you who may not be God-centered, may not be aware that they are on the infinite journey to Paradise.

It is essential for the sustainability of your cultures and your social institutions that you begin to work towards the sustainable maintenance and development of your cultures, your social institutions. The model that you provide in your family, which is itself a social institution, is a good beginning for those around you who are not aware of the need and necessity of modifying their behavior in a family so that their lives and their cultures can be sustained. You can participate as well in other social institutions such as educational programs in your community which may include levels from child care to pre-school, kindergarten and through the upper educational levels.

There is far, far more than just your own concerns that are involved in the sustainability of your civilization and you will discover these as you begin to expand and appreciate where you live, how you live and what helps your life work and how this might be of assistance to others. Again, we do not proselytize this material. We do not try to sell it but to use it as example. You are welcome to offer these perspectives as I have given you in prior transmissions about sustainability. You are welcome to provide these to others to examine these materials to choose to come aboard or not; and, let those who choose not to, if they wish. Thank you.

Q#6: Phillip: Thank you. Our final question tonight reads as follows. Is the Correcting Times a combined effort of Chris-tic and Buddhic energies or is the one called Maitreya a false prophet?

Monjoronson: The Correcting Times is a combined effort of all celestial entities who work for and under Christ Michael, the Creator of Nebadon. It is a combined effort of all celestial energies to repair and heal the mistakes of prior spiritual regimes on Urantia. My efforts within the Magisterial Mission is to support and assist in that process. All religious efforts that support this in even the most minor way assist in the Correcting Time. We do not pick and choose religions, neither do we espouse one and denigrate another. These are personal choices that individuals make.

We provide individuals with guidance through the lessons of the celestial teachers in the Teaching Mission for instance, which are highly useful for living a spiritual and moral and ethical life and one of service. Religions are not necessary for the work of the Correcting Time to be completed but aid in ways that people can approach this larger global almost galactic way of thinking about where they live and how they live.

Philip: Thank you Monjoronson for your time and counsel and Daniel for transmitting these beautiful responses, good morning.