Monjoronson - Q&A Session #64 Autism - Its Meaning & Its Potential - Model for Effective Interfaith Groups
Prayer: [Daniel] Let us come to center and ground ourselves and release all energy into earth's center and balance ourselves emotionally, intellectually. We fill ourselves and surround ourselves with light, God's light of holiness and clarity. We call upon our Thought Adjusters and our guardians to assist us in the clarity of this message. So we come to center and wait for Monjoronson.Monjoronson: This is Monjoronson, let us begin.
Preamble: Phillip: In a prior communication you stated the following: "...of the spectrum of autism, and while you discern that to be a disorder, it is not. It is rather an emergence of human consciousness into higher realms of awareness."
Q#1: Does this have anything to do with the evolution of a new species? If so, how would you describe their stage of emergence in relation to the whole?
Monjoronson: Yes, this is the emergence of a new species. It is an evolutionary movement towards the spiritual end of consciousness, a way of connecting the disordered data stream, information stream, stimuli stream that comes to the individual. The autistic individual that you see now is a precursor to the evolved species variation that is to come. What you are seeing is a mechanical synaptic disarray that has not completed itself yet. This will take numerous generations. This is not unknown to centuries and decades past, it is now a full blown development on your planet. These individuals have difficulty in your society which in many ways is fortunate as if they were to replicate they would sustain the difficulties of their interaction with society. There will be what you would call a sudden development of autistic individuals which have the capacity to integrate all the sensory information that is coming to them and this will be from a higher level. Do not anticipate this to occur soon as it is premature to the new era that your world is entering. The sudden shift of capability of autistic individuals will signal the beginning of the new era in its fullest form. Thank you.
Q#2: Phillip: The second question I think you partially answered but I will ask it anyway. How is their emergence different from others?
Monjoronson: Their emergence is quite different from other generational evolutionary changes in that you are witnessing it. You are intelligent, you are scientific, you are analytical, you are scientific observers noting these individuals and the changes and difficulties they have. Some are not so impaired that they cannot interact in your society. Those that are of lesser impairment are able to in some ways in specific areas interact with your societies. You have seen the idiot savants and they are a part of this. Now expand that savant genre to many areas of human activity and you will have an idea of the future generations of autistic individuals who will represent this new species variation.
These changes have always occurred in the past. Your paleontologists have been on a search for variations for many decades as they search for the connecting links from one species to another. What they do not see are the thousands of failures of these variations which do not complete, which do not survive, which are not able to compete in the existent society of animals that they were raised in. This is what is occurring with autistic individuals at this time. Thank you.
Q#3: Phillip: What will this look like when their emergence is complete?
Monjoronson: I have briefly described that. You will have a limited society of individuals of tremendous capability. What will be the most disheartening for you homo sapiens now is that you will have to live with these individuals. You will see the future and you will see that there is no future for the continued generational development for your own species variation but will give way to the new species of autistic individuals. It is very similar to the Cro-Magnon opposing the Neanderthals though those species variations were primitive and fought each other physically to dominate a region or area. You will not see this in the future, it will be a matter of individual termination of generations. Thank you.
Q#4: Phillip: As care givers and educators of those demonstrating autistic behavior, how can we better meet their developmental and spiritual needs? In other words, how may we better care for or nurture their growth?
Monjoronson: You must take the distant perspective of being present with them at the Thought Adjuster level for your Thought Adjuster communicates with them and that you have the intention of this occurring, that you hold this individual in the highest esteem though they may be physically abusing you at the time. These autistic children are the potential of the future. Many are damaged to the point that there is no Thought Adjuster present. Those that do, and you would not know this, are the ones that you would need to present yourself, your Thought Adjuster and your consciousness to them. You want to help the Inner Being unlock the potential that lies within. You cannot do this by physical manipulation, you can hardly do this with any educational implements or training programs that you have. The autistic individual is one of potential higher consciousness and that is the level at which you must address their needs. Remember that these are children, that they have childlike consciousness and that you must be in touch with them at that level caring for them, nurturing with them, even playing with them so to speak with your consciousness. You will almost never know the changes that you have wrought within the individual. You must entice them with your consciousness to engage you at that level. You who are more sensitive than others can have an appreciation, you will have an intuitive awareness that you have made a connection as that individual has tapped into your consciousness, made contact with you though they may not have projected their consciousness to you. You have come to recognize the meeting ground of consciousness. Thank you.
Q#5: Phillip: Monjoronson, I would just like to ask a personal question: How does this group of autistic individuals replicate themselves in order to be a force?
Monjoronson: As I mentioned earlier, it is fortunate that they cannot for they would simply replicate their incapability's to exist in your society and to form their own society. Their replication must wait until they are able to and capable of functioning in your society and then forming their own society. These individuals will have that awareness at age 20 or so when that generation of autistic individuals comes into being. Until then, you can welcome the fact that they don't replicate, that they do not beget children as they are incapable of caring for them. Thank you.
[Connecting with Interfaith Groups]
Preamble: Phillip: As we work to connect with interfaith groups on common grounds, complexities increase, especially when members have very diverse spiritual beliefs and practices from more traditional Christian beliefs to the ancient tribal rituals in shamanism. I understand that working with interfaith groups will require an increased ability to listen and learn about other's practices and in turn will build within us an acceptance and tolerance for diversity.
I can see that many connections can be made on the level of universal values and in the process, create sustainable social outcomes as demonstrated by the co-creative teams. It appears to me that this can be accomplished easier in a secular setting than in very diverse interfaith groups where a spiritual component may be expected by participants. Since this is a reality I may soon face, I ask the following questions:
Q#6: How then do we connect on spiritual terms?
Monjoronson: Thank you for your question. Your question is well based but misses the point. The individual is the focal point of all our work as it should be yours as well. Groups are made of individuals and therefore the individual decides what they accept and what they do not accept. Within every group there are those who take the didactic approach of accepting whatever the organization has formulated, whatever dictums has been handed to them from decades and centuries before. However, there are always within every diverse spiritual or religious group, individuals who are what you might call "free-thinkers" and these individuals will be the ones who you would address. Know that you have already connected to them spiritually as they would not be attracted to you if there were no commonalities already existent.
I apologize that I cannot and am not answering your question directly as I do not want to mislead you. You will present the best that you have to other groups. This is not a process of adversary, it is not a process of competition, it is not a process of convincing the other belief systems that you are right, that your belief system is better than theirs. In this process that you describe, it is a process of dissemination, of cross pollination of ideas and concepts. It is an opportunity, a forum where you can project your consciousness to them before you meet.
It is a process in which they can present their materials to you. Each philosophy, each ideology has a sense that it is correct, that it is right and unbeknown to them it is actually imperfect. Even your beliefs are imperfect as they are fundamental, they are not complete, they are not replete, therefore it is unnecessary and harmful to come from a position of "better than" as this presents a condescending perspective. Your work is simply to mix with the masses and the hundreds and thousands of belief systems that are out there, to share what you have. What you have through the co-creative design team process is a means for actually doing something in the community. What you are presenting to them is a process by which they can interact with spirit, the planetary and universe managers of Urantia. This is a means for them to practice their ideology within the format of the sustainability co-creative design team process. It will become well known to thoughtful individuals within these groups that there are errors in logic and reason in their ideology and that this will confront them.
What we have not told you dear friends, is that this process, this schematic for sustainability is actually a small mousetrap for many belief systems, for many belief systems are unsustainable. It provides individuals and groups a means of self-education, of self-awareness, of sitting back and having that silent ah-ha where an individual leans back in their chair, scratches their head and realizes within themselves that their belief system is not workable and is not sustainable. Your job is not to convince them of that but simply to present this wonderful process, this simple process of sustainability to every possible group that you can. They may have t/r's who are throughly invested in their belief system and that is fine. Let us handle the rest as that is our forte, our expertise. This is where guardians and teachers and midwayers come to play. This is where they act out their best capabilities of interacting with the human mind.
So, the end is to move forward, to disseminate this information. Do not worry so much about them holding the right attitude, having the right ideology, for this is a long art, a long art that leads to a complete circle eventually which leads to a finished product, where there is a complete thought, where there is improvement in the end for your societies and your civilization. You do not see that. Within 5 years, 10 years, 20 years or perhaps even 50, were you to be a thoughtful, competent, capable, individual at age 90 or 100 you would surely see the bend of many ideologies towards your own belief system for when you come to the end of it all, the only belief system that is sustainable is the one which is in agreement with the Father's creation and those documents and those instruments which have been formulated and produced by your local Creator and the Correcting Time and through the Fifth Epochal Revelation.
What most religions are absent is a thorough going capable and competent cosmology. They are bereft of this essential ingredient to place themselves on the map of the large universe that God has created. Who are they? Why are they here? What is their purpose? What is the ascension plan? What kind of a corporate or management structure exists for the management of the universe and how large is it? Almost none of those questions have been answered by most religions and therefore they remain quite primitive. Your job is simply to be available to them as they ask those questions for you will have the answers. You have been taught and educated in ways which expand the truth, beauty and goodness principles and values to the individual from the universe. You must be living examples of this, not beating your competition over the head with your "blue books." Thank you.
Philip: Again, it would appear that you have answered the bulk of this final question. I will read it anyway as you may have something to add.
Q#7: Can you give us a model that will honor our diversity and yet bring us together spiritually without the creation of another religion or church?
Monjoronson: Most definitely, the example of Christ Michael as Jesus with His apostles is the primary example that I would present to you. Jesus did not strive to formulate a new religion but He took diverse individuals from many different backgrounds and brought them together into a whole working team who eventually spread across your world to bring His message to others. Only later did some of the followers feel that it was necessary to formulate this movement and belief system into a religion with documents and with the do's and don'ts.
You have this example, therefore use it in your own life and in your own organizations as well. Take into your midst those individuals who are open to hearing your words and the materials that you share. Do not be disappointed when they walk away without having said that they would join your group for you have already made a tremendous influence on them and you do not know the course of belief of individuals to be convinced in what you have said. They must prove that out in their own lives. Thank you.
Philip: Thank you for that wonderful lesson. That does conclude the question and answer portion today.