Monjoronson - Using The Collective Will To Act; Faith, Trust & Inner Guidance; Morontial thinking, Tree of Life

Teachers: Monjoronson
  1. Collective will
  2. Faith Trust and Inner guidance
  3. Morontial Thinking
  4. Tree of Life
Greetings Monjoronson, I would like you to comment on several of the statements which were made in our first interchange. Would this be acceptable to you?

Monjoronson: This would be most acceptable, and greetings. This is an opportunity to be more specific, which is helpful.

Question: In a Crisis, What Use of the Collective Will Is To Be Made on Urantia?

S: ..."when you begin to experience results by a direct intervention of your collective "will", of your ability to collectively agree as to how each of you see our plans and implement them".

Monjoronson: The collective "Will" results from an Adjuster based awareness by you, the collective "you". In times of crisis, it will be necessary for agreements to be reached and decisions made to move forward. This is the time to allow the' collective will' to give voice for you. It will not be a time to argue and separate, much the opposite, it is to collectively come together as one in family, community, region and nation.

Also understand that the ability to stay connected to spirit is part of the 'collective will'. In times of crisis it will become extremely important to stay connected to both each other and spirit. Cooperation to 'see' and agree to our plans will become a challenge. So it is important to become grounded in Adjuster consciousness. This consciousness will become the beacon and anchor for your personality to know its stand, (position). When everything around you becomes dislodged, and the perception of reality begins to change. Know that you are one with the Father, and trust in his guidance. Thank you,

Question: Does the Collective Will Show Us What is The Father’s Will as Correctness?

S: ..."there will be many who will need to be brought up to task, both spiritually, in understanding a greater sense of the Father's will as it out plays in the very rudiments of society".

Monjoronson: It will become necessary to quickly bring an awareness of the Fatherhood of God and The Brotherhood of Urantians, to the vast majority of those surrounding you. The ability of the Fatherhood of God, and the awareness of the Thought Adjuster in man, brings people around to experiencing correctness of everything, and begins to have a direct effect upon the quality of life which can be lived here. It does not matter how quickly this is achieved, as long as the Religion of Nebadon becomes a resource from which everyone draws strength, trust, faith and love. Society can then be guided by a greater goodness, kindness and justice. Once the family becomes correct then the society will become that corrected extended family. These will become the very rudiments of society.

Question: How will behavior modification away from the patterns of the Lucifer rebellion be addressed?

S:.. "In summary then, the Lucifer legacy will be dismantled by the concerted effort to reorganize around a new intention"...

Monjoronson: Yes, The legacy of dysfunctional and sabotaging behavior will have to come under scrutiny. Like an alcoholic who discontinues drinking alcohol, his behavior will have to become modified to become someone other than an alcoholic. The effects of the rebellion, which reside within the genetic/environmental/behavioral aspects of humans, will have to become addressed. New behavior patterns will have to become available. What good will come out of changing the systems of Urantia, if the people at large go back to living as they do now? A new focus must be created out of the vitality which surrounds the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Urantians. Adjusting your will, focus, and desire leads toward a greater and better life for all humans on Urantia. By the time you get there as a society, it will become obvious what direction to take and what decisions to make because you will be a collective body, amongst groups of collective bodies all over the world.

Question: How is Faith and Trust related to that which we call the Inner Guidance?

S: Thank you Monjoronson, for a more detailed explanation. I have a question to ask first is, What is the role of faith and trust in the co-creative venture of the human/spirit partnership.

Monjoronson: Well, first, let us look at faith as belief with complete assurance, and trust as the bonding of God and man. Faith is the loyal experience of trusting Father. Father's unending and magnificent love devotion to the human subject awaits only man's inclination. Man's belief is the most important activator in the mind of man. Man's ability to grow with God signifies an awareness that man is ready to be lead by Father's guiding light. The frequency with which man is in contact with God becomes more harmonious as man begins to detect the results of this partnership. Faith and trust in Father within, are necessary for man to begin to perceive the inner guidance.

During times of crisis the inner guidance becomes intensified as man becomes more humble, focused, and willing to be lead to a safe harbor. Faith and trust are the human stance which allows that fruitful and mature harvest of will to take place. It is only Father who knows who and what you are. Unless you unleash the possibility of personality within your human mind, the soul begins to long to become real. As your personality develops so does your relationship and dynamic with the Father.

Question: How does Light and Life depend on introducing morontia levels to our thinking?

S: Yes, thank you Monjoronson. Can you talk about the relationship between the age of light and life and the morontia levels.

Monjoronson: Yes, this is good because it is the activity of the Thought Adjuster which brings the human mind to the levels of morontia mind. In morontia mind there is less use of the adjutant mind. The ages of Light and Life signify that a threshold majority of Urantians have reached the morontia levels of thinking within the human mind while here on the planet.

At this point morontia thought forms are already translating into levels of awareness, conduct, activity, and organization. Morontia mind speaks to an aligning with spirit, in purpose, direction and ease of function. This is where you are being led by spirit, into a greater awareness of truth, beauty and goodness.

During the times of change, the population reduction will greatly increase the odds that bring the human race closer to a threshold consciousness. We of spirit, especially all of the agencies who are represented on this planet beside my Magisterial staff, are bringing the higher vibration of love and harmony down into the lower levels of your human consciousness. As a Magisterial Son, I bring a Paradise presence of consciousness to the lower levels of your human consciousness.

The more of you, mortals, who are activated with your Adjusters, the better for our efforts to help inaugurate the dawn ages of Light and Life. When the concerted efforts of mankind begin to match the concerted effort of spirit, will you know of the greatness that is possible for your world.

Question: Can or Will the Tree of Life Be Brought Again to Urantia?

S: Yes, the Adjuster indwelt mind of the human mortal capable of becoming a greater recipient of that unique personality which is being revealed to us. Monjoronson, I am not certain of the parameters of questions which one may ask, for I would like to ask you this. Is it possible that a 'shrub of Edentia' can be returned here and have humans encircuited for duty on the earth for an undisclosed number of years.

Monjoronson: This question is certainly within the category I can comment. Certainly all things are possible. I cannot say what will be decided when the times come to make decisions for your planet. It is certainly advisable to have humans stay here and work for the greater good of Urantia and mankind. Information is already being sent into the consciousness at large which will help in humans staying alive for longer periods. Living with reduced stress and fear will also help as you discover means of extending life.

Certainly what you suggest is being considered as are all possibilities being considered. Timing, for decisions to be made, await. It is also being considered that my staff may materialize. There are many options open to us at this time. What is hoped for is that a majority of humans become activated in to a greater consciousness and in that capacity will be better able to lead the breath of mankind into the harmony of all Nebadon. Michael's will is to have this planet become a showcase for all Nebadon may see that the lowest have truly become the greatest. Thank you at this time for your questions and observations. I am Monjoronson and I bid you a good evening.