Monjoronson, Elyon, Michael;The gift of Grace, It will be a unique journey
Location: North Idaho
Date: 2009-11-01
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon Christ Michael]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris
- Each will have a unique journey to be honored and shared.
- Uniqueness brings a great harvest of potential growth
- All intention is reflected in the collective experience
Monjoronson; A Healing Vision of Urantia
Location: Center for Christ's Consciousness
Date: 2009-10-25
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Donna D’Ingillo
- A centering exercise
- Forming A Holistic And Healing Vision Of Urantia
- The true meaning of liberty
- Stillness is your most important activity
- All Humanity Is Designed To Unify In Oneness
Monjoronson; Transition Era, World of Change
Location: Northern Colorado Team
Date: 2009-10-18
Teachers: [Monjoronson Machiventa Melchizedek]
Transmitter/Receiver: Daniel Raphael
Monjoronson,Gabriel, Ham, Machiventa, Nebadonia; Urantia in Readiness for Magisterial Mission
Date: 2009-10-13
Teachers: [Monjoronson Machiventa Melchizedek Nebadonia Gabriel Ham]
Transmitter/Receiver: Henry Zeringue, Mark Rogers
- Your planet is like an overrun garden
- Machiventa's steadfast commitment
- "We shall see the apparent miracle unfold"
- The temple has been prepared, the teacher has arrived, the staff is all in readiness and now there is the calling of the sheep.
Monjoronson; Changes in Social Life, Overcoming Fear
Location: Center for Christ Consciousness
Date: 2009-10-11
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Donna D’Ingillo
- Every phase of life is being uplifted
- Expunge and Purify Fear from the Collective Unconsciousness of Humanity
- We Use Your Heart Energy and Desire to Heal Your World
- Gain Back Your Child-like Nature and Innocence
- Envision the Planetary Destiny as an Intention of Love
- We will use your energy to heal this world
- Gain back your childlike nature of innocence
- Set the world ablaze with Michael's love in your hearts
- The worlds lost in the rebellion are now being returned to the family of Nebadon.
Monjoronson, Machiventa; The existence of the Absolutes, The Liason Team
Location: North Idaho
Date: 2009-10-09
Teachers: [Monjoronson Machiventa Melchizedek]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan
- The relationship between the Supreme, Ultimate and absolute.
- The function of the liaison team.
Elyon; Juris; Monjoronson - Being Able To Always Return Home
Location: North Idaho
Date: 2009-10-04
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon Juris]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris
- Your spiritual home base.
- Family/Child Metaphor
- Circling back to the source/ returning to the center/ returning home
- Seeing the universe as a friendly place regardless of your temporal existence at the moment
- Putting non-judgment in place
- Let your heart be your guide
- Being a part of something larger than is currently apparent around you
- Passing over the bridge
Elyon; Unidentified; Machiventa; Monjoronson - The Wavelength of Being Human
Location: North Idaho
Date: 2009-09-27
Teachers: [Monjoronson Machiventa Melchizedek Elyon Unidentified Mary Rogers]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mary Rogers, Mark Rogers
- Daily opportunities to partner with spirit
- Sharing the common wavelength of being human
- Communicating a wordless experience into words for fellow humans
- The power of personal testimony
- You are the ones that function in the human wavelength
- It is the human student that puts 'Spirituality 101' lessons into practice
- There are no small acts just great actors metaphor
The Voice; Thought Adjuster; Monjoronson - Attunement with God
Location: Lightline Teleconference Audio #12
Date: 2009-09-24
Teachers: [Monjoronson Thought Adjuster The Voice]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers, Henry Zeringue
- A shared meditation experience
- The value of three meditating together as opposed to three mediating alone
- A remote mediation session
- The Essences Covenant's mission statement
- The keys of the kingdom
- Guided imagery exercise: At the Beach
- There is great spiritual content in material experience
- The business of fellowship
- The chemistry of spiritual experience: Spiritual Lubrication
- We are designed to synchronize
- Gemstone Metaphor
Michael; Monjoronson – Michael Transfers Authority to Machiventa & Monjoronson for Correcting Time Phase 2 NOCO#110
Location: Loveland, Colorado
Date: 2009-09-13
Teachers: [Christ Michael Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Daniel Raphael
- Time to Fulfill Plans of the Correcting Time (CT)
- CT Description of Phase I:
- • Development of Awareness
- • Educational Programs
- • Raising Consciousness
- • Building a Cadre of Committed Workers
- CT Interim Period:
- • Higher Staff Concluding Plans Unique to Urantia
- • Further Increase of Vibration Frequency
- CT Description of Phase II:
- • Executive Management Handed over to Machiventa and Monjoronson
- • Michael Will Still Minister to Us on a Personal Level
- • an Avonal Son Has Long Been in the Plans
- Monjoronson:
- • Rapid Events Orchestrated from Above
- • Greater Spiritual Pressure
- • A Cause of Separation Between Heart and Mindal Energies
- • Quorum of Consciousness
- • Time of Greater Union, Connection & Empowerment
- • A Quickening of Events for next Two Years
- • Greater Empowerment for Teaching