Special Sessions with Monjoronson

Special Session 4

Date: 2010-02-26
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Daniel Raphael
  1. Physical Manifestations of Meditation
  2. Seeing Spiritual Colors
  3. Spiritual Growth and Raising Children
  4. Parenting and Family Relationships
  5. Education
  6. Equality at Home and in Society
  7. Preparation for Parenthood
  8. Prenatal Influences
  9. Ease and Grace of Birth
  10. Resiliency of Youth
  11. Mentoring
  12. Religious Education
  13. Fostering Curiosity
  14. Baptism
  15. Indigo and Crystal Children
  16. Genetic Variations and Expressions
  17. Dealing with Handicaps

Special Session 3

Date: 2010-02-15
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Daniel Raphael
  1. Mercy
  2. Definition of the Word “Magisterial”
  3. Doubt and Uncertainty
  4. Hope, Faith, Belief, Trust and Knowing
  5. Doubt is a Judgment
  6. Cooperation
  7. Impact of Monjoronson When Materialized
  8. Preparations for Materialization
  9. Techniques for Interfaith Study Group

Special Session 2

Date: 2010-02-05
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Daniel Raphael
  1. Justice and Vindication
  2. Forgiving Energetically
  3. Practicing the Presence
  4. Directing Energy with Intention
  5. Energy Centers and Chakras
  6. The Complexities of our Bodies
  7. How will Monjoronson’s Presence Benefit Urantia?
  8. How Does a Divine Son “Grow?”
  9. Perceiving and Appreciating Monjoronson
  10. Monjoronson’s Safety on Urantia

Special Session 1 Forgiveness

Date: 2010-01-29
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Daniel Raphael
  1. Forgiveness


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