
Elyon, Monjoronson, Serena, Michael, Nebadonia - Wellbeing Well Metaphor-The Age of Responsibility

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2009-03-08
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon Serena Mother Spirit]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers, Kathy Morris, Jonathon
  1. Well-being,
  2. Growth Of Civilization,
  3. Stillness,
  4. The Age Of Responsibility For The Planet,
  5. Small Groups For Exploring Solutions,
  6. The Hour Has Come,
  7. We Hold You Always In Our Loving Embrace.

Monjoronson - Q&A Session #40 Human Coordination in Mission, Work Assignments, How answers to questions are chosen, Restrictions

Location: - Q/A session #40
Date: 2009-03-03
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers

Elyon; Monjoronson; Serena, and more - Assurance - Sustainability Acceptance Truth - Container Metaphor

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2009-03-01
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon Serena Malvantra Light]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers, Kathy, Jonathan
  1. Assurance
  2. Search For Sustainability
  3. Acceptance
  4. Light And Assurance
  5. The container metaphor for truth

The Voice; Monjoronson; Light - You Have Done Your Homework - The Journey Within

Location: Teleconference
Date: 2009-02-26
Teachers: [Monjoronson Light The Voice]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers
  1. Building an internal reservoir of spiritual truths
  2. Embracing truth through internal avenues
  3. Developing the neural networks
  4. There is one within that is ready to confirm or not any truth that may be offered to you
  5. He can bring answers that are unencumbered by external authority.

Elyon; Unidentified; Monjoronson; Light - Following The Current Downstream

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2009-02-25
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon Light Unidentified]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers, Kathy Morris
  1. Paddling up & downstream metaphor : an analogy for the journey of life

Monjoronson - Q&A Session #39 Zero-Point Energy - Population Decimation & Adversity

Location: - Q&A Session #39
Date: 2009-02-24
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Henry Zeringue

Monjoronson - Q&A Session #38 Avonal Preparation - Ascension Studies

Location: - Q/A Session #38
Date: 2009-02-17
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Henry Zeringue

Monjoronson; Light; Nebadonia - The Gap Between the Actual & Potential

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2009-02-15
Teachers: [Monjoronson Nebadonia Light]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers
  1. We have great access to potential
  2. We have powerful command over the actual
  3. Both receivers and givers
  4. With awareness comes more purpose
  5. Generator/spark plug metaphor
  6. Breathing life into thoughts
  7. Nebadonia breathes her intention into us

The Voice, Monjoronson, Mind/Body/Soul - Doing vs. being - New Connctions - Thought Adjusters as custoidan and gate keepers

Location: Teleconfernece
Date: 2009-02-12
Teachers: [Monjoronson The Voice]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers
  1. Mind and Body concerned with doing, Soul concerned with being
  2. State of being does affect all that you are doing
  3. There will be new connections with our indwelling guides
  4. Great spiritual pressure being applied
  5. Real and ultimate sign that things are not as they seem externally is through internal confirmation
  6. Much going on behind the scenes beyond your perception
  7. Father Fragments are custodians of the soul
  8. Example of a behind the scenes occurrence
  9. The limitless nature of the soul

Elyon; Monjoronson; Light; Nebadonia; Evanson - Am I enough? - Large tree Metaphor - Perception as Reality - The Great Circuitry - Self Management

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2009-02-08
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon Nebadonia Light Evanson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan, Mark Rogers
  1. Am I...Enough? -Sprinkler Metaphor
  2. Unique Beginning - Vast Continuation - Large Tree metaphor
  3. As the perceiver- Will you allow and embrace or reject and condition
  4. Mother Spirit: The Great Circuitry by which we all grow
  5. Helpfulness and Self Management.


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