Elyon 032303 Spring Cleaning On Spiritual Levels, The beginning Age of the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson , Light & Life
Location: North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Date: 2003-03-23
Teachers: [Elyon]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan
- Spring Cleaning on a Spiritual Level
- Beginning Age of Magisterial Son, Monjoronson
- Monjoronson's Function
- How does the transition to Light & LIfe work?
Niagara Falls 2003 -Transcript 3 - July 11, 2003 Conference Living Waters
Location: Niagara Falls, USA
Date: 2003-01-11
Teachers: [Monjoronson Machiventa Melchizedek Christ Michael Paramahansa Yognanda Tomas]
Transmitter/Receiver: Leoma Sparer, Eugenia Bryan, Gerdean, Stella Religa, Mark Greer, Simeon
- Getting to Know God
- The Higher Frequencies of Spirit
Daniel 020802 Magisterial Son Dispensation_More
Location: Group: Pocatello, Idaho
Date: 2002-02-08
Teachers: [Daniel Minearisa Ham Abraham Aaron]
Transmitter/Receiver: Bill
- Speed of Progress - Soul Growth and Ascension
- Physiology - Another Factor in the Growth of Perfection Attainment
- Mansion Worlds are a Necessary Part of Universes
- Different Between the Teaching Mission and Magisterial Son’s Mission
- Words and Concepts as a Framework for Decisions and Actions
- Evidence of Progress
- Spiritual Growth is not Easy
Abraham - Committing to the Mission - The Magisterial Son Is Here
Location: Wood Cross, S.E. Idaho
Date: 2001-07-27
Teachers: [Abraham]
Transmitter/Receiver: Bill
- The Magisterial Mission is Correlated with the Correcting Time
- Our Magisterial Son is here.
- Doing in the Light of a Longer View
- Making a Commitment
Elyon; Unknown; Monjoronson; Michael - Setting The Stage for Participants - Divine Plans Choosing Them Activating Them
Location: North Idaho
Date: 2000-05-16
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon Unidentified]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris
- Setting the stage as a daily occurrence
- Taking the necessary steps to insure activation
- You may serve different roles
- Using the switch word, "togetherness" to set the stage