
Monjoronson 121505 Teleconference - Receptivity IsTo Spirit What Exercise Is To The Human Body, Feng Shui, Vedic Architecture, Unseen Affects, Forgiveness

Location: Lightline Teleconference
Date: 2005-12-15
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers

Elyon 121105 North Idaho - Monjoronson - Clear Path To The Gate

Date: 2005-12-11
Teachers: []

Elyon 112705 NorthIdaho - Monjoronson - Michael - Michael's Commitment To You, No darkness can withstand The Father's Light

Date: 2005-11-27
Teachers: []

Nebadonia - Preparation For World Changes Arrival of Magisterial Son - Nov 17, 2005 - CCC

Location: Center for Christ Consciousness, Oakland, CA
Date: 2005-11-17
Teachers: [Nebadonia]
Transmitter/Receiver: Donna D’Ingillo
  1. Preparation for the World’s Changes
  2. Arrival of Magisterial Son
  3. Forgiveness

Nebadonia 111405 Marin TM - Preparing For Monjoronson

Location: Marin TM Group, Mill Valley, CA
Date: 2005-11-14
Teachers: [Nebadonia]
Transmitter/Receiver: JoLin Johnson
  1. Michael and Mother Spirit on Our Lives
  2. Your Mind Has No Limits
  3. Attitude
  4. Getting Ready for Monjoronson
  5. The Mercy of Forgiveness
  6. Beaming Love into Everyone

Machiventa, Monjoronson - Be Islands of Stability, - Nov 13, 2005 - North Idaho

Date: 2005-11-13
Teachers: []

Elyon; Cromek; Monjoronson - PrimaryPurpose - Purpose - Value - Service - Nov 06, 2005 - North Idaho

Date: 2005-11-06
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers, Jonathan
  1. Primary Purpose
  2. Spiritual Growth
  3. You are a Reality Transformer
  4. Purpose, Values, and Service.

Monjoronson; Nebadonia - Higher Mind, Creating a Bridge of Intention - Nov 05, 2005 - SOCO

Location: Southern Colorado
Date: 2005-11-05
Teachers: [Monjoronson Nebadonia]
  1. Higher Mind
  2. Creating a Bridge of Intention

Margul - Be in Your Highest Awareness, Growth Impacted by Inner or Outer Reality

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2005-10-30
Teachers: [Monjoronson Christ Michael Margul]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers, Jonathan
  1. You - An Expansive Universe Treasure,
  2. Growth Impacted by Reality/Reality Impacted by Growth,
  3. Be Your Highest Awareness

Elyon; Serena - The Deep Presence of Spirit, The Two Fold Manner of Monjoronson's Mission - Oct 23, 2005 - North Idaho

Location: North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Date: 2005-10-23
Teachers: [Elyon Serena]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan
  1. Two Fold Manner of Monjoronson's Mission
  2. The Power of Personal Growth
  3. The Power of Soul Attainment
  4. The Deep Presence of Spirit


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