
Monjoronson; Elyon; Celine - Questions To Consider For Preparation of Monjoronsons Appearance on Urantia, Everything is Possible

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2005-10-02
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan, Mark Rogers
  1. Leaven
  2. Discussion of Preparation
  3. The Miraculous
  4. Questions to the group
  5. Allow Grace to be Poured Out

NOCO #72 - Rayson: Monjoronson; Serena; Machiventa; Michael - My Mission Begins With You - Sep 24, 2005 - Colorado

Location: Northern Colorado TeaM, #72 Loveland, Colorado
Date: 2005-09-24
Teachers: [Rayson Serena Machiventa Melchizedek Christ Michael]
Transmitter/Receiver: Daniel Raphael
  1. Messages from:
  2. Rayson: Moderator
  3. Serena:
  4. Pro-tem Chief of Staff for Monjoronson
  5. Assignments and Appointments of Staff Members
  6. Monjoronson: Plans Are Beginning to Materialize
  7. Live in the "Now"
  8. Economy of Souls
  9. Machiventa:
  10. Tough Times, but Not "End Times
  11. Great Souls of Great Character
  12. Who Is a Leader?
  13. Planetary Energies
  14. Wars of Morality
  15. Reasons for Careful Preparation
  16. Christ Michael:
  17. Joyful Responsibilities
  18. What Monjoronson Gave up to Be Here
  19. His Greatest Challenges
  20. Have Trust
  21. Be Open to Be Led
  22. Enact Faith, Trust, & Faith Values
  23. Q & A:
  24. Meetings with Serena
  25. Technique of Sharing with Ub Readers
  26. Warning Friends Without Panic
  27. Jesus-style Meditation
  28. Validation of New Energy

Monjoronson - The Obstacle of Fear, The Need for Rest

Location: North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Date: 2005-09-18
Teachers: [Elyon Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan, Mark Rogers
  1. This Universal Park is Full of Job Tasks
  2. The Obstacle of Fear.
  3. The Need for Rest

Monjoronson - My Mission Has Begun - Position of Women - Sep 10, 2005 - Merideth Tenney, NH

Location: New Hampshire
Date: 2005-09-10
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Meredith Tenney
  1. Future Visitations
  2. Position of Women

Monjoronson - My Mission Has Begun - Message #2

Location: New Hampshire
Date: 2005-09-10
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Meredith Tenney
  1. Confusion about Monjoronson's arrival
  2. Morontial visits to precede arrival
  3. Approximate arrival time

Simeon - About This List and Monjoronson - Jul 01, 2005 - Helen Whitworth; Illawara, AU

Location: Illawara, AU / Nottingham, England
Date: 2005-07-01
Teachers: [Simeon]
Transmitter/Receiver: Helen Whitworth
  1. Monjoronson

Acknowledgement of Monjoronson's involvement on our planet

Location: Illawarra District, Australia
Date: 2005-01-18
Teachers: [Midwayer Chief Bzutu]
Transmitter/Receiver: George Barnard
  1. Acknowledgement of Monjoronson's foreseeable arrival
  2. Answers to inquiries of Monjoronson

The Game of Life

Location: Cheshire, UK
Date: 2004-11-29
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Helen Whitworth

Second Revelatory Commission Project 11-21-04, NOCO #58 - Gabriel Announcement - Rayson

Location: Northern Colorado TeaM, #58- Loveland, Colorado
Date: 2004-11-21
Teachers: [Rayson Gabriel]
Transmitter/Receiver: Daniel Raphael
  1. Second Revelatory Commission
  2. Organization, Personnel and Function
  3. Pronouncement of Inauguration
  4. Enhancement to the "Urantia" Papers
  5. Co-creative – Mortals, "Midwayers"& Melchizedeks
  6. Natural Development – Rational, Reasonable & Timely
  7. Machiventa Is the Beginning Presiding Officer
  8. Monjoronson "Will" Take over When He Is Established
  9. Will Not Replace "Urantia" Papers
  10. Purpose: Answer Questions and Provide Additional Information
  11. Dependant on Development, Not Time
  12. Validation Process
  13. Q & A by Rayson
  14. Examine Intentions for Participation
  15. How "Will"Tr’s Be Involved?
  16. Who "Will" Publish These New Papers?
  17. What Is its Relationship to the "Urantia" Book?
  18. More on Purposes
  19. Important Role of Mortals
  20. An Example Given by Rayson
  21. What "Will" Not Be Included - Example

Monjoronson 010804 NOCO45 - Rayson - Teaching Mission Archives

Location: Northern Colorado
Date: 2004-10-08
Teachers: [Rayson Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Daniel Raphael
  1. Teaching Mission Archive Project
  2. Importance of early history/ Explain precursors
  3. Preparation for Monjoronson’s appearance
  4. Preparation for a large volume of Internet "hits"
  5. Co-creative assistance available
  6. Technique of "working teams"
  7. Packets of material
  8. Devise schemes of implementation
  9. Expect immense difficulties


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