
Monjoronson - Becoming Part of Something More With Me - Prism Metaphor

Location: Teleconference
Date: 2007-12-27
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers
  1. Simone's prayer
  2. The prism metaphor
  3. Ways to focus energy
  4. Monjoronson calling us to service
  5. Monjoronson's prayer

Monjoronson, Michael, Machiventa, Elyhon, Light - Piability, Bouyancy, Change, Cooking Pasta, Cork Metaphors

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2007-11-25
Teachers: [Monjoronson Christ Michael Machiventa Melchizedek Elyon Light]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan, Mark Rogers
  1. Inner World is Secure,
  2. Pliability and Truth,
  3. Buoyancy,
  4. Stillness and Outreach,
  5. Which Direction Do You Choose to Manifest?
  6. Corks bobbing in the water metaphor
  7. Pasta in a pot metaphor

Monjoronson, Messages and Messengers

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2007-11-11
Teachers: [Monjoronson Lantarnek Light]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan, Mark Rogers
  1. Messages and Messengers,
  2. Validation,
  3. Messengers of the Message.
  4. The message is more important than the messenger

Monjoronson, Michael, I Will be with you Always, Guidance, Hear with Your Heart, The Continuing Climb metaphor

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2007-10-28
Teachers: [Monjoronson Christ Michael]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan, Mark Rogers
  1. I Will Be with You Always,
  2. Guidance,
  3. I Am Here to Assist in the Process,
  4. Hear with Your Heart.
  5. Ascent up the Mountain Metaphor

Monjoronson - The Universe School Was Designed For You

Location: Teleconference
Date: 2007-10-26
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers

Monjoronson, Elyon, Saintliness, One room Schoolhouse Metaphor, I learn from you too.

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2007-10-14
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan
  1. Knowledge and Accommodation,
  2. Understanding and Acceptance,
  3. .Wisdom and Worship,
  4. Saintliness and Spiritual Awareness
  5. One room schoolhouse metaphor

Monjoronson, Elyon, Saintliness, I learn from you too.

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2007-10-14
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan, Mark Rogers
  1. Knowledge and Accommodation,
  2. Understanding and Acceptance,
  3. Wisdom and Worship,
  4. Saintliness and Spiritual Awareness

Monjoronson, Elyon - The Support Network, Sailing, The Climb Metaphors

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2007-10-07
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers
  1. Sailing into a New Reality,
  2. The Support Network,
  3. Paths on the Mountain

Monjoronson, Mother Spirit, Unidentified - Held in My Embrace, Times of Challenge, Ship at Sea Metaphor

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2007-09-23
Teachers: [Monjoronson Mother Spirit]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan, Kathy
  1. Held in My Embrace,
  2. Center of Your Being,
  3. Times of Challenge.
  4. A ship at Sea Metaphor

Monjoronson, Michael, Nebadonia, Lantarnek, Seeing with Spiritual Eyes

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2007-09-16
Teachers: [Monjoronson Nebadonia Christ Michael Lantarnek]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan, Mark Rogers, Sheila
  1. Seeing with Human Eyes,
  2. Seeing with Spiritual Eyes;
  3. Spiritual Hearing.


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